Unit Price Calculator

So you're standing there in the grocery isle wondering which is the better deal. Do I buy juice at the sale price of 2 bottles with 32 oz each for $6.00, or do I buy 1 bottle containing 72 oz for $6.99?

Now you can use our unit price calculator to calculate the cost per ounce of one or both deals, and quickly figure out which is the better bargain.

Calculate Now

Purchase Option #1
Items Purchased
Units Per Item (oz, lbs, grams, kg)
Total Cost
Purchase #1 Results
Total Units: 90.72
Cost per unit: $0.2368

Purchase Option #2
Items Purchased
Units Per Item (oz, lbs, grams, kg)
Total Cost
Purchase #2 Results
Total Units: 1
Cost per unit: $1.0000

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